Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Trash Eater

Yes, that is a trash can on my commode. The reason I am writing about it is I came home from work and found the trash can sitting on my commode. It is not because Ron mopped the floor today. It is because we have our second trash eater of a dog. Rosie has been rooting around in the trash, finding used Kleenex, and eating them.

This is a very bad sign. Our first Chessie, Nikki, was a trash eater. She was partial to paper products but even more than paper products she liked panty hose. The reason we know she liked them is they do not digest. Yep, that's right, they come out looking just a little worse for the wear. When they come out on their own, its bad enough but when they need some help - need I say more?

My worst experience with an undigested panty hose took place in St. Mary's, PA. We were on our way to Twin Pine, the Detrick family camp, in the state forest near Hyner View, Renova, PA. Ron's grandmother, Nan, referred to Renova as the "a-- hole of the world. " Well this story fits right in with that name.

We were driving through St. Mary's and everyone was hungry. Since we had Nikki with us, that meant drive thru. We drove though Burger King, at least Ron did. While he was driving thru, I jumped out of the car with Nikki. There was a nice wooded area adjacent to the parking lot. I brought my plastic bag to pick up any mess she made. Thank goodness, for that bag! As soon as we got to the grassy area, she started sniffing the ground and circling. She crouched but something wasn't right. I got behind her to take a look. "OH NO!" What was coming out of her backside ? Panty hose, and she needed some help.

There I was standing next to a parking lot where people are driving through to pick up their dinner, and I am helping my dog remove panty hose from the back end of her digestive system. I put the plastic bag on my hand like a glove and started to gently pull on the panty hose. It is a slow, careful procedure. It wasn't pretty

If I ever had any pride or ego, Nikki took it from me that day. Oblivious to what was going on, Ron picked up the food and rode around the lot to get us. I lwas laughing so hard I was crying, or maybe I was crying so hard I was laughing. Embarrassed doesn't come close to describing how I felt. I only needed to say one word to Ron, "pantyhose." He knew what had happened. This wasn't our first time at the rodeo. I suspect a few families saved some money due to a loss of appetite while they were driving through.

Oh No! Rosie just ran by and something long and beige or is it suntan is hanging from her mouth. I gotta go.


  1. That's hilarious! This is where having a dachshund comes in handy--she's too short to get into the trash! So long as we're in the house, it's pretty easy to control what she eats. When we're outside, though, all bets are off...her snoot is so close to the ground that I can barely notice when she snarfs up some disgusting piece of garbage.

  2. Dachsunds are really cute. I never considered all the advantages of a short dog. Right now Ron and I are just trying not to step on little Rosie.

  3. I think the color was coffee. What a great story Sandy!

  4. It still makes me laugh today.

  5. It will teach you to put your clothes away!
