Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Today was what we refer to as a Lazy Sunday and no one was lazier than Rosie! After Ron made ham and eggs for breakfast(Rosie is napping in my shoes while we eat.), he and Sara took the Kayaks down the Mississippi to Sauk Rapids. While they were gone, I kept the dogs busy playing in the yard. When they got back, the puppy was ready for a nap. This video pretty much sums up her day:

A couple hours later, we headed for MSP airport so Sara could catch her flight back to Chicago. Unfortunately, after we dropped her off she found out that her flight was delayed two hours Thanks to the technology of cell phones she was able to call and tell us before we were very far away. It really didn't do us any good though. The traffic to the airport was terrible and because of the "War on Terror", you cannot easily spend time with your loved ones at the airport, so we headed home. She spent three hours waiting for an hour and a half flight. She bought a book Ghost Writer to help her the pass the time. I hope it's good. I'm sure she'll let me know on her blog.


  1. Rosie looks like a limp noodle. Could my legs be any paler?

  2. Okay, that might just be the cutest thing I've seen all day (Rosie, not Sara's legs, though they're pretty cute too). Rosie is adorable!

  3. She is very cute but not as cute as Sara was at that age. They are probably equal in the amount of noise they make/made.
