Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day with a Chessie

Happy Father's Day! Since we could not be with our kids today we did the next best thing. We spent most of the day with the dogs. It was a beautiful morning on the Mississippi. Ron and Daisy headed down to the river around 9:00 AM. If you click on the video below, you can see how much fun they had. Daisy loves to swim and play fetch in the water, but when she's done she's done. She takes her toys and goes home.

Nikki, one of our former Chessies, was never done; she would play forever. Even though Nikki only had a blaze orange training dummy, we would have to hide so she wouldn't collapse from exhaustion. Times have changed and dog toys come in a wider variety. Daisy has a colorful Loopie that Sara brought her from Chicago. Maybe that's why she is sure to take it when she's done.

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