Saturday, June 12, 2010

Daisy steals the spotlight

Well Sara arrived as scheduled at 9:30 PM yesterday. I picked her up at MSP airport and brought her home. Ron had Papa Murphy's Pizza (veggie and pepperoni and cheese waiting.) The puppy was still awake and Sara was immediately smitten by her.
Even though, Sara is here and the puppy is as cute as can be. For a few minutes this morning, neither of them was the center of attention.

Living on the Mississippi, on the whole is wonderful - beautiful sunsets and sunrises, lots of birds, jumping fish, and sunning turtles. As with most things you have to take the good with the bad. At our house, the bad is the nasty Canada Goose and its droppings. (There we go with the BM again.)

Ron and I have tried everything to get rid of them. We purchased special chemicals used on golf courses and soccer fields to deter geese-they thought it was delicious. We put up an electric fence which worked for two summers, but last year they were just walking under it. I know you are probably thinking,"What about those wonderful bird hunting Chessies that you have sitting on your couch." All is can say is one day 70 pound Nikki and I went out to scare about a dozen geese. As Nikki started walking toward them. The guard goose took a couple steps in our direction. Nikki immediately backed up. I, who has a severe case of ornithophobia, had to stand on the patio waving my hands and screaming like a banshee to get rid of them. As for Bodie, he was handsome, proud, and a lover. The geese had his number immediately. He wouldn't even get off the couch when they were in the yard.

Now Daisy is no Nikki or Bodie and she is not having any geese in her yard. Actually she was really good about not chasing them out of the yard when the goslings were small. Today we had about ten in our yard and a few in the neighbors. I should mention that a couple weeks ago our neighbor fell and broke her ankle. Ron is convinced it was goose dropping that she slid on.

Sara and I went out with Daisy. The geese in our yard took off toward the river. Daisy took off toward the neighbors and got there in time to wrestle one of the geese. It looked like she grabbed it by the neck and rolled it over. We got a lesson in how soft the mouth of a good bird dog can be. The goose got up and took off for the river apparently unscathed. I have walked the shore and there is no sign of a dead or injured goose. Thank goodness!

The puppy had another good day. No accidents in the house. She and Daisy played fetch. She has no idea that Daisy has fifty-nine pounds on her, and Daisy has been very gentle.
Throughout the day we debated names: Rio, Wesley, Bodie, Max, and Rosie were given the most consideration. As of right now, we are calling her Rosie. We only know one other Rosie- she has curly hair and is a heck of a lot of fun. We hope the pup lives up to the name.

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