Thursday, June 10, 2010

Accessory shopping

Today Ron had to go to purchase a few doggie accessories. Most importantly a collar -WITH A BELL. We have been afraid that we are either going to step on puppy or trip over her. She always seems to be at our feet. Neither of us can look at the ground and effectively walk.

He had to go to the cat department to get the bell. At first she did not like it at all. She kept looking in the direction she thought the sound was coming from.

He also bought a number of stuffed toys for her to chew. I know it seems a little out of character for Ron to be spending money so frivolously but, like the collar, it is for self preservation. Without the toys, she is chewing everything: furniture, shoes, rugs, pillows, anchor rope (She wasn't able to move the anchor but she tried.), and body parts. I think this investment in toys will save us quite a bit. Of course, just like the kids used to like to empty the kitchen cupboards and play with pots, pans, and tupperware, she found a plastic cream bottle in the recyclables and it's her favorite toy.

After he finished the dreaded shopping, Ron got to come home and work in an area he is much more comfortable. He was once again on BM duty. Not only did he watch and reward puppy for making at least six BMs, he also inspected Daisy's BM. He followed her down to the weeds near the river, her preferred depository, and watched for location.
When she finished, he checked it out Upon his close and scientific inspection he came to the conclusion all was well - color, consistency. He has been worried since last week when she let us know she wasn't feeling well by getting up in the middle of the night and thinking the green throw rug in the kitchen was the weeds by the river. That specimen did not have good color or consistency.

Of course since he spent all of this time inspecting BMs, they became a topic of conversation this evening. He remarked that the puppy only seems to go after she eats. I responded that I thought that was pretty normal. He agreed, but found the need to remind me that Nikki was a "sh__ factory. "(Ron's words, not mine.) "She went every time she was outside." I think it was actually good for him. He went up and down the hill to clean up after her. It kept him in good shape!

Moving on to a more appropriate topic. Ron made a little video of puppy trying to make friends with Daisy.

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