Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Play Date

Well, she slept through the night that is until 5:30 AM. Ron learned he doesn't have time to get dressed or to wait for her to walk downstairs. (Maybe he will start wearing PJ's.) Like Bodie, you need to pick her up and put her out the closest door as soon as she wakes up. She only has a little bladder so it wasn't too bad. That was the first of a few little accidents. Let's not dwell on the negative. She had four or five (If you are counting, and we are.) BM's in the yard - none in the house!

We fed her approximately two cups of Purina Puppy Chow. She eats pretty slowly but by this evening, it was all gone. And you can tell from the aforementioned regularity it seems to be working. She played hard, took several naps, and drank lots of water. Lesson for the day -as soon as she eats or drinks she needs to go outdoors immediately!

She and Daisy also spent some time together in the kennel. A little whining, but no dogfights. Hooray! we will be able to leave the house at the same time and not worry about the kids killing each other. I think Ryan and Sara were in college before we were able do that with them.
The highlight of the day was the visitors who came to see our new arrival. Dave, who also came to MN from Erie when the Hammermill closed, stopped in on his way to work at Verso.

Then, we had the pleasure of the company of S., her children B. and E. and Bear. Puppy was the perfect hostess.

Puppy Play Group - While the big dogs (Daisy and Bear) ran, swam, and wrestled, Puppy explored. She really likes the Basil in the Ron's herb garden. Ron is not too excited about the possibility of her eating all his herbs. She also learned if she acts scared or yelps the older dogs will get yelled at. Sound familiar?

That's a chucker B is using to throw the slobbery ball - great invention!

S and E enjoy the show.
E is laughing at the hijinks while S gets to relax- a little

B and Puppy chill out. They are a perfect match. Puppy fits in B's lap perfectly.

We've had a lot of excitement and fresh air today. We are all tuckered out.

Sweet Dreams!

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