Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rosie Swims

The weather in Minnesota finally broke. Today it was not raining and it was not too hot and muggy to take the dogs out to play. We have been laying low. Just playing with the dogs enough for them to get some exercise but not get overheated.

Today we played fetch in the yard for awhile and then they wanted to go swimming. Ron bought a new throwing dummy so I took it down to the river for a game of swim and fetch. While I was playing with them Daisy did all the swimming and Rosie stood on sure and pounced w
hen Daisy got close.

After Ron bailed the water out of our neighbor's boat, he came over to play with us. He wanted to get Rosie swimming and he did. As you can see in the video below.

They played for quite awhile and then they had to stay outside. They were too wet to go in the house and we were going out to dinner, so we dicided to leave them in the kennel while we
were gone. Ron also bought Rosie a new collar for the woods. He is looking forward to taking her out pheasant hunting. Right now all she wants to do is follow Daisy but he is optimistic. She is showing off her new collar in this picture. You can't really tell from the picture, but she is sitting in her favorite lawn chair. I am convinced she thinks she is human. Ron thinks she is just spoiled.

Ron has given Rosie a nickname, Rue. He got the name from the book HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins. It is young adult fiction but it is pretty dark. Rue is a young girl who is a part of the Hunger Games. She was Ron's favorite character, so he has started calling Rosie Rue.

This is not really the trailer for the movie, but I thought it was the best fan made trailer I could find on You Tube. Rue is not in this trailer but it gives you an idea about the story.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Peter Pan/Hurricane/Princess

Rosie was in full throttle today. She has decided that the concrete on our patio is not at all comfortable enough for her. Whenever Ron and I go in the house. She helps herself to a seat. Of course, since we love to spoil our dogs, we laugh and take a picture. We should be reprimanding her and making her get down. We did the same thing with our son Ryan. I remember saying when he gets bigger these things are not going to be funny, but that could not stop me from laughing. I have a good sense of humor. In the end, he did turn out just fine.

This afternoon Ron was sitting in what I guess is now Rosie's chair. His being there didn't stop her from flying up and landing in his lap. Thus the nickname Peter Pan. Later in the evening she came rushing into the house like a whirlygig. Ron had been playing with the dogs and had taken them swimming in the river. That was not enough to slow her down. Thus the nickname Hurricane.

I, on the other hand, have my own nickname for her. Just look at the picture. She is The Princess.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

First Trip

If you read this blog regularly, you may remember that Ron and I purchased a new car and paid extra for a pet cage installed. The plan was to keep the dogs in the back and the people up front. That is without using my arm or Ron jimmierigging an old fence to our car.

Well, we just returned from our first trip in the new car. The dogs did great other than Daisy vomitting the first few minutes in the car. This is the second time that has happened. I think we have figured out not to feed her and then pu
t her in the car this time. The trip to Erie took about seventeen hours. It's about 960 miles but we make a lot of pit and walk the dogs stops. There was just a little whining from Rosie each leg of the trip, but thankfully she let us know when she needed to stop. No accidents and everyone stayed where they belonged on the way to Erie.
Not true on the way home. Rosie decided to go on a little adventure as we we drove through Ohio. She worked her way through the top of the divider and onto the backseat filled with everything we hadpacked. She just wanted some human company. After she checked things out and took a little nap on my lap, she decided to head back.

She did not make it very far. She took another nap until we made our next stop when we returned her to her rightful place. In the pet area with Daisy, the good dog, who had sat quietly keeping her watchful eyes on the little one.